Long-time educator, published author, artist, Taoli-Ambika Talwar has been involved in holistic arts/sciences for many years. “Both poetry and holistic work beautifully together. I see the power of language coded in us and help you to find and be in your resonance, for then we choose rightly”, noting that language matters—language of the mind, body, spirit and beyond. Her mission is to be a reflective, gentle and creative change agent. Her film, “Androgyne” won the best script award at a festival in Belgium. She has published two books, Creative Resonance: Poetry—Elegant Play, Elegant Change  (2006) and 4 Stars & 25 Roses (2007) and has two chapbooks from Laguna Press, Words for Hungry Tongues (2000) Songs of the Body.  Kyoto Journal published her poem titled, “What the Trees Say” for their biodiversity issue. Taoli-Ambika  has also been published in the anthology, Chopin with CherriesInkwater Ink, vol. 3 and other collections. Her photographs and paintings have appeared in Tiferet Journal.  She teaches English at Cypress College, Cypress. http://goldenmatrixvisions.com “Because poetry is the bridge to new worlds.”

Our Continuities
This rain that is here
not in spanish plains
will wash the silver
sides of air borne sword
as it flies with me through
particles, eyes and time...

This rain here falling
on black roads shines
like silver reflectors
all that is above...we walking
in bubbles all covered
in raincoats and hats

This rain that makes
moments alive with wetness
infusions of sadness wonder
sweet joy a-coming
all fused into one ball
love's unwinding threads

See circles in the puddles
Here I am thinking through
innuendoes of notes words
emails poems always the gaze
gaze which caressed coating
my cells with finesse

This rain reminds me of
all those things that words
cannot define nor suggest
but that gaze that shines even
through puddles, and rain and sky
Time makes continuous...

completions are but continuities
there are no endings—even if
we wander far the nearness
brings us close as skin of dreams
This rain curls my hair
warm  coffee swirls in a mug...

Where Flowers Wander
cells love it
when we smile
even if worlds break

nothing matters
but the great empty
from which all comes

chalice is passages
for the flow
of the fountain

always traveler
longs for the great empty
flowers grow there

Warm in Winter

Dearest, here is a blanket
for the cold-ish toes
layered shirts with full long sleeves
gloves to hang near the fire
before putting them on fingers
that will hold pens for poems
crayons for a story board
Long coat to wrap roll in before
sitting by the window look at falling rain
like sleet at the feet of coldened shrubs

Basket of root foods
for that crock pot of wisdom
that sates hunger of the body for comfort
before the crackpot politicians wipe out
history of loving care of polity
ginger garlic cloves radishes carrots
potatoes leeks turnips handful of spinach parsley
stewed lamb bay leaves salt pepper
steam into the brown hut fragrant with cedar sage
the windmill chills in the cold but rushes on somehow
doing what it does best

Dearest, here is the old newspaper but don't read it
use it for fire wood...take down instead
box of letters and burn those even one by one
for what's left of any worth is in your skin
your eyes and your smiles...and look the way
you know how to dance...it is the music isn't it?
that survives all that is to come

We who have come and gone so many times
we who will return some day when children
of a great many children have
wandered these ancient paths as tho' they were new

We never really leave because we return
emboldened by wisdom beyond the light of the eyes
the light beyond the light of the eyes of soul

Nothing else is nothing is: but this and only this
the empty-fullness of a crockpot of soup
No, not even poetry...
this too must give up all words

For the sweetness of eyes where love abides.
Our purpose is this play beyond windows.  

Taoli-Ambika featured Poet at Moonday Poetry West

Painting by Taoli-Ambika
Where the Mind is Without Fear!
painting by Taoli-Ambika Talwar
(after a poem by Rabindranath Tagore)

© 2011 Taoli-Ambika Talwar 

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